15/12/2022 | News

Season’s Greetings from Prospitalia h-trak

How quickly this year has flown by. It only seems a short time since we were compiling a message about the holiday season.

It has been a very productive year for our customers in healthcare. There continue to be challenges of course, especially around managing the backlog of elective surgical care following the pandemic. Healthcare providers are an innovative bunch though and are always seeking ways to improve theatre utilisation whilst conserving procedure costs and maintaining patient safety. We are thrilled that our h-trak system supports these endeavours in some way.

Across our global markets, our teams delivered 41 Go Lives in hospitals in 2022, with several more in the pipeline for the New Year.

We’d like to thank our customers for choosing h-trak and for working collaboratively with us to ensure that h-trak delivers the benefits that their hospitals deserve. We certainly do not take our relationships for granted and are always here to help in any way we can.

We would like to wish all our customers, partners and suppliers a very happy, healthy holiday season and look forward to continuing our relationships with them in 2023.