Invitation to Prospitalia h-trak Annual Congress
Celebrating 20 Years since establishment: Leading with experience, Partnering for Success
Thursday 16th June, 2022
Dear Prospitalia h-trak customer,
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to our Annual Congress for 2022. This year, we are celebrating our 20th year since we established as a company in Australia, and we have a great programme lined up to celebrate this milestone.
The meeting will be held in person at the Hilton Hotel in the Sydney CBD. We would love to see you there in person for this special day. We will also be streaming the event by webinar, if you are unable to attend in person.
Our Programme will commence with a keynote speech by Mr Tony Sherbon. Mr Sherbon is a Senior Health Advisor and a Board Member for Southern Adelaide Local Health Network. He was also previously the Chief Executive of the South Australian Health Department, and Chief Executive of the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA).
Joining us from Germany will be Dr Marcell Vollmer, the group CEO for the Prospitalia group of companies. He will also deliver a keynote speech to brief you on our group vision — the future is digital!
We will also have a presentation from the Austin, one of our first customers to talk to you about their experience over the years — the initial challenges, and how they have grown with us over the years. We will also have a company update, product updates and a panel discussion involving four of our customers.
The following page includes a detailed programme for the event.
To register for the event, please follow the link below. If you intend to attend in person, please indicate by selecting the “In Person” option from the Dropdown for the registration, so that we can ensure that we cater for you.
I look forward to seeing you on the 16th of June.
Yours sincerely,
Kirk Kikirekov
Agenda (morning)
8:30 am: Registration, Networking and Refreshments
9:00 am: Opening Address
Paul White, New High Consulting, Congress Facilitator
9:15 am: Keynote Speech: Understanding the past in order to better manage the future
Mr Tony Sherbon, Sherbon Advisory, current Board Member Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
10:00 am: Keynote Speech: Prospitalia Group: The future is digital
Dr Marcell Vollmer, Group CEO, Prospitalia Group
10:45 am: Morning Tea
11:10 am: 20 Year Anniversary Video
11:15 am: Prospitalia h-trak: 20 Years of Service
Mr Kirk Kikirekov, Managing Director, Prospitalia h-trak
12:00 pm: Austin Health: The vision of the early adopter
Ms Janette Vella, Senior Nurse Manager, The Surgery Centre: Austin Health
12:30 pm: Morning Session wrap up
Paul White
12:35 pm: Lunch
Agenda (afternoon)
13:30 pm: Small Group Break Out Presentations:
– HRS Contract Management, presented by Mr Peter Laing and Ms Rochelle Reddy
– Supplier Portal, presented by Mr Kirk Kikirekov
– h-smart Insights, presented by Ms Krista Nicholson
14:30 pm: Panel Discussion: Embracing change to achieve success
– Ms Margaret White, Metro North Hospitals and Health Service
– Mr Steve Lamb, Data & Reporting Co-ordinator, St John of God Health Care
– Ms Maria Kokkinakos, Director Strategic Health Sourcing, Sydney Local Health District
– Mr Robert Forbes, Director of Supply Chain, Western Sydney Local Health District
15:15 pm: Afternoon Tea
15:35 pm: Afternoon shake out!
15:40 pm: Introducing h-trak’s Surgical Preference Card Management System
Ms Krista Nicholson, Business Optimisation Manager, Prospitalia h-trak
16:10 pm: Afternoon Wrap Up, Closing remarks and acknowledgment
Mr Kirk Kikirekov, Managing Director, Prospitalia h-trak
Mr Paul White, New White Consulting
16:30 pm: Ends