h-trak Initiatives for COVID-19
COVID-19 has presented some significant challenges for all of us and no-one more than the providers of front-line Health Services. We have been particularly mindful of the impact of the pandemic on Health Service’s ability to maintain services and reduce the potential for infection of staff and patient-facing personnel. In this regard we recently partnered with one of our NSW Health customers to implement a solution for the management of their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) stocks. The solution provides visibility of stock on hand for PPE, and also how, and to who it is being issued. It also facilitates the rapid re-ordering of stocks through established supply lines to ensure availability to all key personnel. We were able to mobilise this solution in very short time – in fact, it was up and running within 2 weeks of the original contact requesting our support. If you want to know more about how this solution could work for your facility please contact Prospitalia h-trak on (03) 9024 7900, or send an email to info@prospitalia-htrak.com.